Tuesday, 26 June 2012

13) Apocalypse | Cleansing the earth


Recently I've had a few really creepy dreams but none long enough to actualy write about but last night I had one that has trumped all of my dreams (I hope that's the right saying)

It's taken me a few hours to get round to writing it but, it was so life like and bizarre that I don't think I'll forget it in a hurry!

It all starts with my ex . . Not the best thing to open with but bare with!
There was him, his ex and me having an argument at night sitting on the side of a street. Then suddenly we heard a plane over head, the sky was a really dark blue/purple colour and the plane was black with little red lights dotted around. There were 2 planes like this, one in front of the other and klaxons and air raid sirens were going off while they dropped canisters, that were also black with red lights dotted on them. These canisters with dropping into towns and cities and producing gas.
In the distance we then saw a load of smoke filling the purpley sky and heading towards us. So we all ran away and went into a student house. We were worried and told the people in the house to put the news on the TV so we knew what was happening. I fiddled round with the buttons on the TV and the newsreader said that each town and city only had a certain amount of time before the gas would make our heads explode and kill everyone. I grabbed my head and started to cry and was saying 'I DON'T WANT MY HEAD TO EXPLODE!' 
I then felt pressure round my head and everyones eyeballs were being pulled like goo out peoples heads and I could feel my head expanding.
I then looked through the blind and saw a timer projected onto a building across the the road and the timer had the days, hours, minutes and seconds counting down till the gas would explode killing us all. The timer then started to speed up till it got from 4 days to 1 minute. I sat down in and we all held hands.

Then suddenly we jolted and my and this girl found ourselves sat in a small grey box with a red and grey Google error sign flapping in our faces. I didn't see what it said but then I followed this girl out of the box and  we found ourselves in my house, on a table there were 3 bowls of fruit and in the big bowl was a square chocolate crispy cake with a pink mini egg on top. Another girl reached out to get it but i slapped her hand away because I knew that this is the only food we have and now we have to fend for ourselves.
When we looked out the window I could see the houses across the field and they were all barns and crumbly and there were dirt tracks instead of tarmac roads then I realised time had started all over again but we all thought the same.

We all went back in time and landed there with the people we were with before the gas explosion. I then started to worry as to where my mum was and the fact that mobiles and internet etc weren't invented yet and that I didn't know how to harvest my on food and was worried I'd die.

A girl then asked this old lady to drive her to her village to see what it was like there and so we jumped in her little car and drove off. As we drove time started to speed up and the further we drove the cars started to appear more modern and time was eventually restoring itself.

I then realised it was the governments way of cleansing the world of all bad things and so started time again!

I think that's a pretty messed up dream, if I say so myself.

Monday, 9 April 2012

12) We died but we didn't.

This one is one of the most confusing!
A mad scientist captured my whole radio class and started to skin and burn our brains by hooking them on a hook that's attached to a conveyer belt going in to a burny boiler!

One of us managed to beat the conveyer and escape and kill the mad scientist and freed the remaining heads which meant they lived but of course some didn't.

It then turns out to be a class presentation and no one actually died, in real life (in the dream) and we lived happily ever after! x

11) Kidnapped

This dream has to be my longest dream to date.

It all started with some friends and I in an indoor play area just chillin!
Then one girl gets a staple gun and starts shooting people with it and we were all running away. I got my eyes and mouth stapled shut with a note stapled to my mouth. Someone had slammed cocktail sticks through the palms of my hands too.

After a few hours of running away, it was morning and there were bodies everywhere. A friend and I were the only ones left and a man walked in and we thought he was there to save us.
When we left the building we saw loads of bodies laid out in the car park. We walked a little way with the man and I then realised he was in on the murders and I tried to run away but my tights and skirt fell down round my ankles and it was like running in water.

I bumped in to an old woman and she took me and my friend to Superdrug to get some toiletries as we walked out I realised she hadn't paid for anything and that she was in on the murders and actually the man's, we saw earlier, wife.

A policeman then walked up to us on the street and pointed and started shouting at the woman saying 'IT WAS YOU! It was you who stabbed my hands with cocktail sticks!' and I said 'ME TOO! She did that to me too!'
The policeman then took her away and as they walked the woman gave me evils.

My friend then walks into a house, sits at the kitchen table and starts reading a story to her uncles children, who happened to live there.

At this point I realise I was free! from the clutches of the scary old couple so I said the uncle I'm going to Superdrug to get a few things (When actually I was getting the bus home because I was missing my mum) The uncle said he needed to get a few things too so he would come with me but I didn't want him to! I thought I would be able to make up something when we got there so I made my way to the front door.

As I came down the stairs to the front door, the old woman was back and had changed clothes because she had killed the policeman. As you do.
As I stepped out the door my tights fell down again and the woman said I should just keep them off. Creepy old woman.
As I walked through town I began to wake up. The End! x

10) Emma Watson & Volunteering

This is a short one but I had this dream the same night as the next blog.

It started off with me running through my old art classroom because I was late for class. All the tables and chairs were in the way so I had to clamber over them and tripping up and it was all like running in water.

It then faded to a scene of me in class being presented with 3 awards for my volunteering and Emma Watson was my best friend.

Emma stands up and starts to cry and explains that I will get a better job than her because I have all these awards and she doesn't have anything.

Our group of friends start explaining to her that she played Hermione in Harry Potter for 7 films, of course she'll get a job.

My dreams don't make sense I do understand this, I warn you not to look too deeply into them just take them as they come :)

9) Big Brother. Zombie Style!

SO this starts off with me living with some mates in what was suppose to be my new uni house and the wall looking out on to the back garden was made of glass.

In the morning when we were sitting watching tv, having a cup or tea. Zombies started to come out of the pond towards us.
These weren't any old zombies though the ran. And when they did they ran fast. The worst kind in my opinion.

They then thumping on the glass walls and eventually break in and start biting my house mates.
I give up and think it'll be more fun scaring people than running for my life soooo I get bitten and change into a zombie.

At this point it turns in to a video game and each room in my house becomes a task for the zombies to pass.

Warning: Graphic-ness!

My first test I had to have sexy time with a human . . So I walk up to him like a zombie making zombie noises and such! He then asks me what I'm doing and I explain . . I don't know I'm a zombie it's part of the zombie contract to make zombie noises and walk weird.

I then carry on walking and eventually wake up. x

8) Michael Myers & Clowns

The title says it all really.

This little gem starts off with me in  a deserted hotel and in each room there was a few doors and on one there would be one with a clowns face on. This meant this was the door that Michael Myers would come through so I had to be careful and on the look out!
Scary Mofo.
Also turns out I'm his long lost sister and he is after me. Great.

After a while of running away he stabs me in the back I get angry as a result and grab his knife and shout at him for being mean. He then starts to cry and the police come. Michael Myers and I hide a cupboard under the stairs from the police. When they leave Michael and I walk into the bar in the hotel to get a drink.

He then remembers he has to kill me and backs me into a corner.
Luckily, I then wake up!

I've a few with him in, which is worrying!

7) Where do we hide the body?!

**Caution** Kinda graphic!

My friend and I went to her Grandad's house to see him because he was ill, we then went out to make him a cup of tea then when we came back he was dead.

Plus to make it worse it actually smelt like . . sorry . . but . . dead people.

This random man then walks in and has a go at us and that we need to hide the body.

We  then grab his legs and drag him away.

Slightly, creepy? Yes. Very.

That's not the only dead body smell dream I have had either!

Seeing as that was short dream I'll add another one on . .because I am kind!

One day these 2 men broke into my house and I was trying to escape. I ran into the bathroom and in the bath was a body and the whole room smelt of dead bodies. With blood spew up the walls . . Sorry for the graphic-ness!

I then jump out the bathroom window and float down to their van to drive away but the keys weren't in there they then spot me and I run away. I then fly in to a field and it then turns out I'm part of the blair witch project but I'm actually a witch. and I hide behind a hay bale in this field behind a cage full of birds and hamsters. As you do.

So yeah, I have nothing more to say!
Have fun with the mental images!

6) 'Get out! She's in the bath!'

This dream was very peculiar.

So it all started with a group of some male Uni mates and I sitting round watching a film in my Grandmas old house, in the front room. One of my mates then comes in and sits next to me. THEN I decided to go and have bath. Pretty Normal so far . .

The bath is situated in the middle room which is connected to the kitchen
as shown in my amazing paint masterpiece
As I get undressed my girly friends are in the kitchen and so in my attempt to get them out so I can have a bath I wave a sieve at them and say 'Get out I want to have a bath!'

So as they slowly move into the front room I get undressed and into the bath

which in normal real life is actually a sink

The bath is also placed in the middle of a staircase as you can see and as I finally get in 
baring in mind the bath is the same height as me so it was a struggle to get in
One of the guys at Uni decide to come down the stairs, so as a result I have to get out and let him come down.

When I do eventually get in the bath a family come in, and sit down facing me.
I shout at them 'Get out! I'm in the bath!' 'Get out!'
and then I said something that will stay with me for the rest of my days:


During this outburst, one of my friends has come in and trying to shoo them out too.

Brilliant dream, if a tad bias.

So the moral of the dream is 'Don't disturb me when trying to take a bath'

Sweet dreams!

5) Pancakes with Pooh & Piglet

After a morbid start my mind decided to treat me with a happy, warm hearted dream!

One morning I woke up and went downstairs to have a bath and get ready for work. As I was running my bath my mum started to clean the bath and asked me why I was up to early?!
And that I had another hour before I had to get up.

So, on my way back to my room I bumped into Winnie the Pooh outside this barn conversion on a sunny summer morning and he passed me a glass of orange juice. As we entered the barn which was decorated with Christmas decorations, a small group of yellow fluffy ducklings started a fanfare! Each one had either a tuba or trumpet and gathered round as I walked in. Piglet came up to me and said we are making pancakes now and would I like to join in? Of course, I agreed!
But then I woke up and never got to make those pancakes . . & everytime I eat/make pancakes I will always be reminded of the happiest dream I've ever had
& I lived happily ever after!!

*le sigh*

Sunday, 8 April 2012

4) German Doctor Part II

Yes! I had another one!
Less traumatic though.

It followed on from the last dream.
Basically I had managed to escape! & hiding from the Doctor in a bush outside some houses. He then drove past in a van and went up a curb and the back doors swung open and this naked girl who had duct tape across her mouth and tying her hands together, crawled out the back and snuck under the curb and hid. The German doctor got really mad and went and knocked on the doors of the houses.

it then faded to a scene to the naked girl (who was now dressed) and I running away down a country road. When we got to a shed 2 guards called the Doctor who then appeared out of nowhere!
He then shoved us into the shed and locked us in.
I remember looking round and seeing cans and cans of Baked Beans and thinking when these run out we will starve! Then started to cry!
I woke though, so everything was fine!

3) German Doctors

**Caution** A bit disturbing for sensitive readers!

This is where it gets a bit weird!

SO if you have ever seen The Human Centipede you will know this dude:
This was the start of a very long list of horrible weird dreams.

First of all it was one of those dreams in which it feels real.

So it all starts with me sitting in a door way to a bedroom, after being kidnapped, while the German doctor is cutting up this girl and he was throwing me the intestines to eat. I was munching away! As you do.
Then it faded into the Doctor and I sitting on the sofa watching Coronation Street and one of my cats wanders in.

The Doctors house is next door to mine and he lets me out every now and then so the police don't get suspicious

So I ask if I can take my cat home and he lets me but I have to come back!
So when I go to my house my mum asks if I want to stay for dinner and I do. Then I get a Skype call from the Doctor saying I have to go back 'NOW' and I say NO I'm having dinner THEN I'll be round. Then hang up on him.

I then, after my dinner, go upstairs to my boyfriends house and we watch a film. I get a phone call from the Doctor saying I have to go back or he will come round and get me. I get angry and say NO.

A few moments later I hear steps coming towards the door and the Doctor bursts in and we have an argument about how I'm unfaithful and then he storms out.
I hear bashing about and screams and when I go downstairs . . 

Really horrible part

and turns out he had killed my mum.
Then I wake up.

I did say they were going to get dark.

2) Vampires & Creme Eggs

This dream is a fairly old one but I will always remember it!

One morning I woke up and went down stairs as normal. However, it was early evening and it was starting to get dark. Then when I walked into the kitchen calling for my mum the cooker and washing machine started moving and smoke and light filled my kitchen.
The from behind the cooker Dracula appeared and started to chase me.
I then ran to the next village away from zombies and vampires and then went into a shop where my old primary school teacher was working. As you do
Then she gave me a creme egg and I sat under the counter to hid and eat it and lived happily ever after!

A fairly short, non interesting one but I do promise for them to get more weird!

1) Moses on my sofa

This is a short one and my first nightmare/beyond normal dream.

So one day me and my mum find Moses on the side of the road and he's not alive. So while we wait for the ambulance we take him to our house and lie him on our sofa. While me and my mum are have a drink and waiting we hear a grumbly sound and LOW AND BEHOLD Moses is a zombie! My mum and I then run for the front door and try and shut and lock it but Moses isn't having any of it!

At the time my friend in primary school had a yellow 'bomber' (I think it's called) jacket and I have one in the dream

So then I put on my yellow jacket and sledge down the hill to safety.
Then I woke.
The End!


For a while now I have been meaning to write down my dreams! I have had numerous really deep messed up dreams and I've had said to me that I should write them down and I figured that writing them in a diary by hand would take forever! & doing a word document would run the risk of me losing everything! So I've decided to do another blog! Yay. My other blog is a place that I write the general goings on in my life unepetitefille92.blogspot.com and that is where I keep all my happy thoughts!

So far I have made a list of 11 dreams I need to write down in detail so I will be doing that soon!
I will do a dream per blog so so far I have a few that will take me a while to type out!

If anyone wants to try and analyse my dreams would be amazing! Good luck if you do!
If you want to share your scary, weird & bizarre dreams please feel free to comment and etc!
Obviously, happy dreams are most welcome too!

By the design of the blog you might have guessed that my dreams are just as if not more messed up and scary!

This is just a blog for me to keep track of my dreams. These are 100% true . . I really couldn't make these kind of things up if I try!

So enjoy! x