Tuesday 26 June 2012

13) Apocalypse | Cleansing the earth


Recently I've had a few really creepy dreams but none long enough to actualy write about but last night I had one that has trumped all of my dreams (I hope that's the right saying)

It's taken me a few hours to get round to writing it but, it was so life like and bizarre that I don't think I'll forget it in a hurry!

It all starts with my ex . . Not the best thing to open with but bare with!
There was him, his ex and me having an argument at night sitting on the side of a street. Then suddenly we heard a plane over head, the sky was a really dark blue/purple colour and the plane was black with little red lights dotted around. There were 2 planes like this, one in front of the other and klaxons and air raid sirens were going off while they dropped canisters, that were also black with red lights dotted on them. These canisters with dropping into towns and cities and producing gas.
In the distance we then saw a load of smoke filling the purpley sky and heading towards us. So we all ran away and went into a student house. We were worried and told the people in the house to put the news on the TV so we knew what was happening. I fiddled round with the buttons on the TV and the newsreader said that each town and city only had a certain amount of time before the gas would make our heads explode and kill everyone. I grabbed my head and started to cry and was saying 'I DON'T WANT MY HEAD TO EXPLODE!' 
I then felt pressure round my head and everyones eyeballs were being pulled like goo out peoples heads and I could feel my head expanding.
I then looked through the blind and saw a timer projected onto a building across the the road and the timer had the days, hours, minutes and seconds counting down till the gas would explode killing us all. The timer then started to speed up till it got from 4 days to 1 minute. I sat down in and we all held hands.

Then suddenly we jolted and my and this girl found ourselves sat in a small grey box with a red and grey Google error sign flapping in our faces. I didn't see what it said but then I followed this girl out of the box and  we found ourselves in my house, on a table there were 3 bowls of fruit and in the big bowl was a square chocolate crispy cake with a pink mini egg on top. Another girl reached out to get it but i slapped her hand away because I knew that this is the only food we have and now we have to fend for ourselves.
When we looked out the window I could see the houses across the field and they were all barns and crumbly and there were dirt tracks instead of tarmac roads then I realised time had started all over again but we all thought the same.

We all went back in time and landed there with the people we were with before the gas explosion. I then started to worry as to where my mum was and the fact that mobiles and internet etc weren't invented yet and that I didn't know how to harvest my on food and was worried I'd die.

A girl then asked this old lady to drive her to her village to see what it was like there and so we jumped in her little car and drove off. As we drove time started to speed up and the further we drove the cars started to appear more modern and time was eventually restoring itself.

I then realised it was the governments way of cleansing the world of all bad things and so started time again!

I think that's a pretty messed up dream, if I say so myself.